Youngest NZ MP's Electrifying Maori Haka Shakes Parliament! Watch Her Powerful Debut Speech Now!

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Young MP Hana Rawhiti, New Zealand’s youngest in 170 years, performs 'Maori haka' in first Parliament appearance.

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Video of her first speech goes viral on social media.

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She pledges commitment to constituents, saying, “I will die for you... but I will live for you.”

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Addresses Maori children, urging them to embrace their uniqueness.

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Recalls earlier speech for Te Petihana's 50th anniversary.

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Criticizes the government's recent actions affecting health, environment, water, land, Māori wards, language, and more.

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Sends a heartfelt message to her electorate, promising to serve them in and outside Parliament.

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Encourages individuality, stating, “Never fit in. You are perfect. You are the perfect fit.”

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'Maori Haka' historically used to greet tribes and energize warriors before battle.

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Hana Rawhiti's unique speech stands out for its cultural significance and powerful message.

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