Watch Olivia Rodrigo's Hilarious Dating Advice Session with Kid – You Won't Believe His Cousin Marriage Tip!

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Olivia Rodrigo recently appeared on the web series "Recess Therapy" for some dating advice.

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A young boy named Miles shared his thoughts on love and relationships with the Grammy winner.

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Miles advised Rodrigo to pick a person who looks kind to find love.

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He expressed his hope that Rodrigo finds love and gently placed his hand on her knee.

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Miles humorously added that the only person you can't marry is your cousin, sparking laughter.

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When asked about marrying a cousin, Miles quipped, "Something bad happens to your body."

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Miles mentioned the importance of not wanting someone with baggage or who steals.

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Rodrigo's appearance on the web series followed the release of her sophomore album "Guts," which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart.

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She initially felt pressure to top her previous success with "Sour" but later focused on enjoying the music-writing process.

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Rodrigo shifted her mindset to writing songs she enjoys rather than pursuing commercial success, resulting in a more enjoyable creative process.

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