The New American Dream: How Millennials and Gen Z Are Reshaping Success

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 A significant percentage of millennials and Gen Zers believe they are starting their financial journey further behind than earlier generations.

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The cost of starter homes has skyrocketed, making homeownership seem unattainable for many young Americans.

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Burdensome student loans and escalating childcare expenses add to the financial challenges faced by younger generations.

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Older generations staying in the workforce longer limit younger workers' opportunities for career advancement.

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A survey conducted by The Harris Poll for USA TODAY reveals that a majority of Gen Zers and millennials feel they face unprecedented financial hardships.

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Younger Americans are shifting their definition of financial success, emphasizing job satisfaction and work flexibility.

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Matt Marino, a 27-year-old teacher, values freedom and fulfilling careers over traditional markers of success.

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Brandon Davila, a recent college graduate, faces difficulties finding a job in his field and struggles to make ends meet.

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 Audrey Alessi, a realtor, acknowledges the challenges of owning a home in an unaffordable housing market.

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Younger generations are redefining the American Dream, emphasizing independence, work-life balance, and meaningful experiences over homeownership.

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