Terrifying Inferno Engulfs High-Rise in Hanoi, Trapping Residents! Shocking Details Unveiled!

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A massive fire occurred in a high-rise apartment building in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, resulting in at least eight known fatalities.

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State media reported that approximately 70 individuals were rescued from the nine-story building, with many requiring hospitalization for injuries sustained during the incident.

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Although the fire has been extinguished, ongoing rescue efforts are still underway at the scene.

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Authorities in Hanoi have raised concerns that many newly constructed apartments fail to meet fire safety standards, 

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and the city's population has experienced significant growth over the past two decades.

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Residents reported hearing a loud explosion around 11:00 PM local time, followed by the sight of thick black smoke billowing through the building. 

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Some residents resorted to escaping by breaking through metal railings obstructing their windows and using ladders to reach neighboring buildings.

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Witnesses recounted desperate cries for help, but the lack of escape routes within the apartment complex made it challenging for victims to evacuate.

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Despite the dispatch of fifteen fire engines to the scene, they were unable to approach the burning building due to the narrow alleyway where it was located.

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Similar fire-related tragedies have occurred in Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, 

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where either insufficient regulations or lax enforcement were identified as contributing factors to the disasters

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