"The Super Models" documentary delves into the lives of iconic '80s and '90s models: Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, and Christy Turlington.
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The series explores personal struggles, industry challenges, and regrets faced by these influential supermodels.
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Linda Evangelista alleges physical abuse by ex-husband Gerald Marie, a former executive at Elite Model Management Paris.
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Cindy Crawford's iconic mole faced scrutiny, but gained acceptance after being featured on American Vogue covers.
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Naomi Campbell endured racism and prejudice as a Black model, with support from fellow models Linda Evangelista and Christy Turlington.
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Linda Evangelista opens up about her struggles with CoolSculpting, leading to a deep depression, and her battle with breast cancer.
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Evangelista allowed cameras to film her undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer.
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Linda Evangelista expresses regret over her famous quote: "I will not get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day."
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She believes the quote was unfairly judged and points out gender disparities in how such statements are perceived.
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Linda Evangelista reflects on how she has changed over the years and her desire to be known for more than a single quote.
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