Showdown at the Auto Factory: UAW Demands a 40% Pay Raise, Big Three Automakers Push Back – Who Will Blink First?

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UAW autoworkers' strike enters Day 4 with both sides holding firm in negotiations.

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UAW President Shawn Fain argues for a substantial pay increase after wage stagnation over the past six years.

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Big Three automakers (GM, Ford, Stellantis) emphasize historically generous offers but acknowledge limits.

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Stellantis aims for a sustainable future in the automotive industry's transformation.

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Union reports "minimal conversations" with automakers over the weekend.

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Potential escalation of strike action if company demands are not met, says UAW President. 

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Ripple effects include job loss for workers and production disruptions at Ford and GM plants.

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Strike began with 9% of UAW's 150,000 members walking off the job.

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No compensation for idled workers due to strike, leading to accusations of intimidation.

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President Biden calls on automakers to share profits with workers and sends labor secretary and adviser to assist with negotiations. 

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