Shocking Twist: Jerry Jones' Call for NFL Diversity Sparks Controversy Amid Discrimination Lawsuit!

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Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, has recently expressed his desire for more owners of color in the NFL.

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Jones' statement has raised eyebrows, given the context of a recent racial discrimination lawsuit filed against the NFL by journalist Jim Trotter.

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Trotter's lawsuit alleges that Jones made remarks suggesting that Black individuals should buy their own teams if they have concerns.

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The timing of Jones' call for diversity in ownership is notable, coming just days after Trotter's accusations became public.

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Jones, as a majority owner, wields significant influence in the NFL and has been a central figure in league decisions.

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Despite his call for diversity in ownership, the Dallas Cowboys have never had a Black head coach during Jones' ownership since 1989.

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While it's possible that Jones may have privately discussed diversifying ownership in the past, his public statement now raises questions about the sincerity of his intentions.

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Jones contends that financial barriers have lessened over time, making ownership more accessible to a broader range of individuals.

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Jones denies the allegations of racial discrimination made by Trotter, emphasizing his efforts to promote diversity in ownership.

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Some view Jones' statement as an attempt to mitigate the impact of Trotter's lawsuit, casting doubt on the sincerity of his commitment to diversity in ownership.

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