Shocking Revelation: iPhone 12 Banned in France Over Radiation Levels! Should You Worry About Your Phone's Safety?

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French watchdog agency ANFR claims iPhone 12 exceeds EU standards for electromagnetic radiation absorption.

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The specific absorption rate (SAR) of iPhone 12 was found to be 5.74 watts per kilogram, over 40% higher than the allowed limit.

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European regulations allow a maximum of 4 watts per kilogram for handheld or pocketed phones.

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France orders Apple to halt iPhone 12 sales and update devices in use to comply with SAR limits.

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If Apple fails to comply, the agency threatens to recall all iPhone 12 units sold in France.

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This news coincides with the launch of Apple's iPhone 15.

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France's digital minister suggests the data will be shared with other EU regulators, potentially leading to wider actions.

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Apple asserts that iPhone 12 was certified by multiple international bodies and provides lab results showing compliance.

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While the SAR levels of iPhone 12 were slightly above the allowed threshold, they are more than 10 times below levels considered risky for health.

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Research so far indicates that mobile phone use, even with radiofrequency radiation, does not cause adverse health effects or cancer in humans.

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