Shocking Revelation: How COVID-19 Could Shape the Next Election - Unchecked Conspiracy Exposed!

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A conspiracy theory suggests Biden will use COVID-19 to influence future elections, despite being debunked.

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Advance Democracy's study reveals that social media platforms are not effectively countering the spread of these false claims.

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Posts linking COVID to election fraud surged, but platforms are not removing or fact-checking them.

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X, previously Twitter, no longer prohibits false claims of election fraud, according to Advance Democracy.

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The conspiracy theory suggests a return of COVID restrictions to manipulate the election, based on false claims.

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Trump's official 2024 campaign account shared a video promoting this theory on social media.

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False claims suggest COVID restrictions will be used for election meddling, drawing concern from experts.

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Social media platforms have adopted a more lenient approach to political speech moderation.

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Concerns arise that disinformation campaigns and AI could mislead voters in the upcoming election.

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COVID denialism is expected to grow in prominence as the 2024 election season approaches.

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