Shocking New Law in California: Disagreeing with Your Child's Gender Identity Could Cost You Custody – Is This Government Overreach?

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California has passed legislation requiring judges in child custody cases to consider a parent's affirmation of their child's belief in being transgender.

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The legislation is titled the "Transgender, Gender-Diverse, and Intersex Youth Empowerment Act."

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To be deemed fit to care for a child, a parent must be affirming of the child's gender identity, according to California law.

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Parents who choose not to recognize their child's chosen gender identity could risk losing custody of their child.

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Supporters argue that the bill aims to create a more inclusive and affirming environment for gender-diverse youth.

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Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott criticizes the legislation, calling it "evil" and accusing the radical Left of diminishing parental importance.

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The bill's creators argue that it is necessary to ensure the well-being of transgender and gender-diverse children.

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Critics argue that the legislation infringes upon parental rights and autonomy, labeling it as government overreach.

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Elon Musk and Michael Seifert voice strong disagreement with the legislation, with Musk calling it "utter madness."

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Seth Dillon suggests a different approach, proposing that parents who affirm a mistaken gender identity should be the ones at risk of losing custody.

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