Senate Scandals Exposed: Shocking History of Senators Facing Indictments – You Won't Believe #6!

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Senator Bob Menendez is the 13th sitting senator to face charges, with his recent indictment making him the second-time offender.

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Menendez faced corruption and bribery charges in 2015, which ended in a hung jury and the subsequent dismissal of all charges in 2018.

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A total of 13 U.S. senators have been indicted while in office over the past two centuries.

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These indicted senators included nine Republicans and four Democrats who faced charges ranging from bribery to making false statements.

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Former Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska was indicted in 2008 for failing to report gifts and services from an oil company, but his conviction was later dismissed.

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Former Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison from Texas faced charges of official misconduct and tampering with evidence in 1993 but was acquitted.

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Senator David Durenberger from Minnesota misused public funds and pleaded guilty to converting public funds for personal use in 1995.

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Senator Harrison Williams from New Jersey was indicted in 1981 as part of the Abscam sting operation and resigned before facing expulsion.

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Senator Edward Gurney of Florida was indicted on charges of lying to a grand jury and bribery but was acquitted in 1976.

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The history of indicted senators also includes cases from as far back as 1807, with Senator John Smith of Ohio's involvement in a conspiracy with Aaron Burr.

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