Secrets to a Stress-Free Retirement! Discover the 10 MUST-DO Money Moves Before You Retire!

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Plan Your Social Security Strategy - Decide when to file for Social Security benefits, considering the impact on your monthly payout.

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Eliminate Credit Card Debt - Pay off credit card debt before retirement to avoid high-interest rates on a fixed income.

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Eliminate Credit Card Debt - Pay off credit card debt before retirement to avoid high-interest rates on a fixed income.

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Review Asset Allocation - Balance the need for capital preservation and growth in your investment portfolio. 

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Draft a Retirement Budget - Create a realistic budget to track income and expenses during retirement. 

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Understand Medicare and Health Insurance - Familiarize yourself with Medicare and consider additional coverage options for medical expenses.

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Set Up Post-Work Activities - Plan how you'll spend your time in retirement, whether through work, volunteering, or hobbies. 

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Set Up Post-Work Activities - Plan how you'll spend your time in retirement, whether through work, volunteering, or hobbies. 

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Consider Delaying Social Security - Waiting to claim Social Security can significantly boost your monthly benefits. 

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Long-Term Financial Planning - Understand that retirement can last for several decades, requiring a balance between risk and return in your investments.

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