Remembering Linda Gregory: A Heartfelt Tribute to a Beloved Photographer and Soul

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Photographer Linda Gregory, 69, tragically passed away after a sideline collision at a Kansas high school football game.

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She was photographing a junior varsity football game for Northwest High School in Wichita.

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Linda Gregory was hit on the sidelines, fell, and hit her head on concrete during the game.

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Her husband, Mel Gregory, shared updates about her condition on Facebook, indicating she suffered from brain trauma.

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Despite initial hopes, Linda's condition did not improve, leading to her being placed on life support.

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Ultimately, Linda Gregory's family made the difficult decision to let her go, and she passed away.

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Linda Gregory was known for her warm personality, sense of humor, and love for making people feel special.

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She had a passion for photography and traveled to various countries to capture moments and interact with the people.

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Linda's husband shared heartfelt memories of their 23-year marriage, describing her as a rare and special person.

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In honor of Linda Gregory, her family started a scholarship fund for young photographers, and the community showed immense support.

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