Putin's Shocking Revelation: Ukraine's Devastating Losses and the F-16 Dilemma Exposed!

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Putin warns Ukraine about receiving F-16 fighter jets, stating it will only prolong the conflict.

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He comments on Ukraine's counteroffensive, claiming they have lost 71,500 troops with no significant results.

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NATO members Norway, the Netherlands, and Denmark have pledged to donate F-16s to Ukraine.

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NATO members Norway, the Netherlands, and Denmark have pledged to donate F-16s to Ukraine.

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Putin reveals that since his September 2022 partial mobilization order, 570,000 Russians have joined the military.

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This mobilization targeted 300,000 reservists and ex-military personnel with specific specialties and experience.

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Between 1,000 and 1,500 Russians are signing up daily to fight in Ukraine.

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Putin praises the Russian people for willingly enrolling in military service, knowing the risks they face.

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Moscow has been recruiting foreign fighters, including citizens of Cuba, Armenia, and Kazakhstan, for the war in Ukraine.

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Reports suggest that migrant workers with Russian citizenship are being compelled to join the conflict.

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