McDonald's Shocking Announcement: Say Goodbye to Self-Serve Soda Machines by 2032! What You Need to Know About the Major Change

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McDonald's announces a plan to phase out self-serve beverage stations in U.S. restaurants by 2032.

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Customers will need to request refills at the counter instead of using self-serve machines.

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The goal of this transition is to provide a consistent experience for customers and staff across all ordering methods.

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McDonald's did not specify whether financial or health factors influenced this decision.

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Some franchises in Illinois have already made the shift away from self-serve beverage stations.

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Reasons cited for this change include considerations for food safety, theft prevention, and a decline in dine-in customers.

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Franchise owner-operators mention this shift as part of an evolution towards convenience and the growth of digital service.

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A "crew pour" system has been introduced in some locations, where staff members refill customer drinks.

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Self-serve soda machines have been removed in various locations, including Orange, California.

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McDonald's, like many fast-food chains, has observed a shift towards digital orders and fewer in-person dining experiences since the onset of the pandemic. 

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Other companies, like Yum! Brands Inc., are also considering a move towards primarily digital sales. 

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