Manchester United's Antony Cleared for Training Amidst Controversy

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Antony, Manchester United's Brazilian winger, accused of physical aggression towards his former girlfriend Gabriela Cavallin.

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He had been on a leave of absence from Manchester United since September 10.

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The club issues an official statement stating Antony will resume training and be available for selection.

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Antony has cooperated with police inquiries in Brazil and the UK.

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The case will be reviewed pending further developments.

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Manchester United condemns acts of violence and abuse.

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Antony last featured in a competitive game on September 3.

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He was withdrawn from the Brazil national team squad due to the allegations.

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Antony flew back to England from Brazil to meet with Greater Manchester Police.

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The 23-year-old had denied the charges and expressed his innocence on social media. 

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