Phrases like "We're a family here" and "You're the best applicant" can be red flags in a toxic workplace, signaling boundary violations and mistreatment.
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Toxic workplaces are often competitive and chaotic, pitting employees against each other.
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Love bombing, where excessive praise and affection are used to manipulate, can start in the job interview phase of a toxic workplace.
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Interviewers who immediately want to hire you on the spot or boast about the company's culture may be using love bombing tactics.
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Boundary violations in toxic workplaces may involve requiring labor outside of regular work hours or tasks beyond an employee's job description.
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Narcissistic bosses may guilt employees into not taking time off or making up missed work.
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A culture of gossip and bullying is a common red flag in toxic workplaces.
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Toxic colleagues may steal your ideas, claim credit for your work, or engage in behavior to make themselves look better.
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Managers with short tempers who require employees to tiptoe around them are another red flag.
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Internal signs of a toxic workplace include feelings of dread, hypervigilance, and lack of motivation related to work, leading to anxiety even during time off.
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