Government Shutdown Showdown: Biden vs. GOP – Who Will Blink First?

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Lawmakers prepare for a potential government shutdown in one week as the current spending plan expires soon.

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President Biden's administration directs agencies to prepare for a shutdown, updating plans for employee furloughs and service reductions.

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Essential functions like national defense, law enforcement, Social Security, and Medicare will continue even if parts of the government shut down.

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White House Press Secretary blames "Extreme House Republicans" for pushing towards a government shutdown.

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Some Republicans criticize colleagues blocking shutdown-avoidance plans and call on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to work with Democrats.

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Former President Donald Trump tacitly supports a shutdown, urging GOP lawmakers to cut funding for his criminal prosecutions.

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer talks with Mitch McConnell about a plan to avoid a shutdown, considering a Senate-led approach.

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A group of conservative Republicans led by Rep. Matt Gaetz insists on debating individual spending bills rather than temporary solutions.

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The GOP rebel group's size is enough to disrupt McCarthy's plans due to the narrow Republican majority in the House.

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McCarthy hopes to move forward with spending bills next week, while the House faces criticism for taking the weekend off amid shutdown concerns.

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