Deep Sea Divers Make Chilling WWII Discovery: Airman's Remains Found in Sunken Bomber off Malta's Coast!

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Skilled divers uncover human remains at WWII bomber crash site near Malta.

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Air Force Sgt. Irving Newman, a member of a B-24 Liberator crew, identified as the retrieved body.

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Newman's plane experienced engine trouble during a mission, heading for emergency landing in Malta.

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Nine crew members survived crash landing, attempted to rescue wounded Newman, but plane sank.

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Plane crashed near Benghajsa Point, Malta, after being hit by enemy anti-aircraft fire.

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Wreck of the bomber rests one mile off Malta's southernmost point, 190 feet underwater.

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University of Malta's 2015 search and 2016 sonar mapping led to discovery of the submerged wreck.

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Dive recovery team used advanced breathing gases and "rebreather" tech to work at deep site.

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Two months of diving in 2022 and 2023 led to the successful recovery of Newman's remains.

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DPAA yet to announce details regarding Newman's burial; no photo of Newman provided.

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