Countdown to Chaos: Government Shutdown Looms as House Republicans Cancel Votes

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House Republicans have just nine days to prevent a government shutdown as negotiations stall.

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Planned votes for the rest of the week have been canceled, causing lawmakers to return home amid divisions.

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Conservative Rep. Cory Mills criticizes going home without solving spending issues, advocating for work through the August recess.

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A procedural vote for a defense spending bill failed due to hardline conservative opposition, complicating Speaker Kevin McCarthy's efforts.

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Moderate GOP lawmakers discuss a fallback plan called a discharge petition to avoid a shutdown.

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Rep. Mike Lawler emphasizes opposition to a shutdown and vows to prevent it.

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The effects of a government shutdown could impact federal employees, with essential workers continuing without pay and non-essential services halting.

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National parks might close or offer limited services during a shutdown.

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Some food safety inspections deemed non-essential may be put on hold.

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Depending on the duration, even essential services like flights could be affected, as seen in the 2018-2019 government shutdown.

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