Costco's Healthcare Revolution: 10 Game-Changing Benefits of Their $29 Virtual Doctor Visits!

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Costco has teamed up with Sesame, a healthcare marketplace, to offer its members virtual healthcare services at a remarkable price point.

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Sesame connects healthcare providers directly with consumers, reducing costs and simplifying the healthcare experience.

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 David Goldhill, Sesame's CEO, highlights the alignment of Sesame's mission with Costco's values of quality, value, and low prices.

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Costco members can access these healthcare services across all 50 states.

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For just $29, members gain access to virtual primary care services.

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Health checkups, including lab panels and virtual follow-up consultations, are available for a mere $72.

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Virtual mental health therapy is accessible for Costco members at a reasonable rate of $79.

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Members enjoy an additional 10% discount on various Sesame services, including in-person appointments.

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The services offered through this partnership do not accept health insurance, streamlining the payment process.

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This alliance exemplifies Costco's dedication to providing quality and affordable solutions to its members, rewriting the rules of healthcare accessibility.

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