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Bayonetta 3 is broken up into 20 chapters, with each chapter then split into a series of smaller verses.
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But the whole game is divided in two prologues, which contains its four side chapters, means that there are only 14 numbered chapters.
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However, Bayonetta 3 has the number of chaper is fewer than previous two chapter of Bayonetta.
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There are a number of side chapters in the game as well,different names but all need to be completed by players in order to progress in the Bayonetta 3.
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In Bayonetta 3 player can play any time again their completed chapters using select screen option.
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Player can earn Halos, Orbs, and Seeds in Bayonetta 3 while playing the game and find and spend later through game's store.
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Records of Time: Phenomenal Affirmation Prologue: A Chaotic Encounter Chapter 1: Scrambling for Answers Chapter 2: City on Fire
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Chapter 3: A Sinking Feeling Side Chapter 1: The Crimson Shadow Chapter 4: Worlds Apart Chapter 5: Hot Pursuit
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Chapter 6: Off the Rails Side Chapter 2: The Lynx Strikes Chapter 7: Burning Sands Chapter 8: A Croaking Chorus
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Chapter 9: Learning to Fly Side Chapter 3: High Stakes Chapter 10: Cover of Night Chapter 11: A Familiar Dance
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Chapter 12: The Edge of Madness Side Chapter 4: The Doctor is Out Chapter 13: Kingdom of One Chapter 14: The Single Truth
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Bayonetta 3 chapter's length may be vary from lasting only around ten minutes to one-hour mark.
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So in total Bayonetta 3 have complete playtime of between 12 and 15 hours.
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Bayonetta 3 was released on October 28, 2022, and is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.
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