California Professor's Pronoun Policy Sparks Bomb Threat: 10 Key Takeaways

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A California professor's pronoun policy led to a viral backlash, followed by a bomb threat, creating chaos at California State University, Fresno.

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This incident reflects a disturbing pattern seen on campuses nationwide, where online anti-LGBTQ rhetoric escalates into real-world violence or threats thereof.

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The controversial pronoun policy came to light through a tweet by LibsofTikTok, described as a "popular anti-LGBTQ+ Twitter account" by the Anti-Defamation League.

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Screenshots of a class assignment requiring students to state their preferred pronouns circulated on Twitter, supposedly from Professor Ida Jones at Fresno State.

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The tweet also included a student's claim that points were deducted for not addressing pronouns, which the student disagreed with.

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Subsequently, a bomb threat was made against the university and a professor's home, causing evacuations and online panic.

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The threat was linked to a social media post, but specific details were not disclosed.

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Fresno State confirmed that the professor required students to share personal information, including pronouns, as part of an assignment.

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LGBTQ rights group GLAAD condemned the incident and emphasized the importance of using correct pronouns to promote dignity and respect.

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This episode illustrates the dangerous convergence of online hate speech and real-world threats, calling for accountability and action from social media platforms and institutions.

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