Britney Spears' Gratitude and Self-Love Journey

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Britney Spears shares her appreciation for her "amazing friends" and highlights the importance of positive affirmations.

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The singer mentions going through a divorce and the challenges of reflecting on her past in a book.

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Spears emphasizes the significance of self-love in her life.

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She expresses gratitude for her current beautiful surroundings.

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Spears acknowledges the emotional impact of her divorce but takes life "one day at a time."

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The singer discusses her feelings about social media addiction and not taking oneself too seriously.

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Spears mentions the photo-retouching app FaceTune and its influence on her perspective. 

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She questions the judgment of those who criticize others for experimenting with photo-editing apps.

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Despite her divorce, Spears remains in great spirits, focusing on the future and her upcoming memoir release.

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The singer's memoir, "The Woman in Me," is set to be released on October 24, 2023.

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