Breaking: Judge Declares DACA Illegal - What This Means for Dreamers and Biden's Presidency!

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Federal Judge in Texas, Andrew Hanen, rules that the DACA program is illegal, contradicting CDC guidance.

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Despite ruling it illegal, Hanen maintains the program for current DACA recipients, keeping it intact.

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DACA has provided work permits and deportation relief for over 580,000 undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children.

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Hanen's decision may lead DACA's legality to be determined by the Supreme Court.

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo recommend against new COVID-19 vaccine boosters.

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Ladapo emphasizes the importance of considering individual health situations rather than political statements.

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CDC recommends updated vaccines for everyone, while Ladapo and panel express concerns about safety and effectiveness.

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Public health expert Dr. Marissa Levine criticizes Florida's action as a disservice to its residents.

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Hanen's ruling does not order deportation or detention, leaving those decisions to DHS officials.

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Biden administration is expected to appeal Hanen's decision, which will be reviewed by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

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