Biden Backs Striking Auto Workers Demanding Their Fair Share of Profits!

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President Biden voices solidarity with United Auto Workers (UAW) amid their strike against major U.S. automakers.

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Biden asserts that the substantial corporate profits should result in favorable contracts for UAW members.

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Biden asserts that the substantial corporate profits should result in favorable contracts for UAW members.

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This strike serves as a political test for President Biden, who emphasizes his pro-union stance.

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Biden expresses hope for a mutually beneficial agreement and urges both parties to resume negotiations.

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Biden engages in discussions with UAW president Shawn Fain and leaders of auto companies before the strike deadline.

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Biden engages in discussions with UAW president Shawn Fain and leaders of auto companies before the strike deadline.

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Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su and White House senior adviser Gene Sperling are sent to Detroit by President Biden to support the parties in reaching an agreement.

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Biden underscores that auto workers, who contribute significantly to America's middle class, should have a contract that sustains their middle-class status.

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The strike and ongoing negotiations will be significant for Biden's economic agenda heading into 2024.

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