Auto Industry Shakeup: 13,000 Workers Strike for Historic Wage Increase – What This Means for Your Next Car!

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About 13,000 U.S. auto workers from Detroit’s three automakers have gone on strike seeking better wages and benefits.

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This marks the first time in the United Auto Workers (UAW) union’s 88-year history that they have walked out on all three companies simultaneously.

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The strike affects General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis (formerly Fiat Chrysler).

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The strike comes after four-year contracts with the companies expired at 11:59 p.m. Thursday.

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The union is seeking a 36% wage increase over four years, while GM and Ford offered 20%, and Stellantis offered 17.5%.

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The strikes will likely impact dealers' vehicle inventories and could lead to price increases.

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The union targeted specific factories to pressure company negotiators to improve their offers.

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The strike could have political implications and test President Joe Biden's pro-union stance.

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The UAW is also pushing for the restoration of cost-of-living pay raises and an end to wage tiers for factory jobs.

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The automakers argue that they are facing unprecedented demands due to the transition to electric vehicles while still producing traditional vehicles.

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