An ongoing investigation on Michigan State football coach Mel Tucker accused of sexually harassing rape survivor, complaint done by Brenda Tracy

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Brenda Tracy, a prominent rape survivor and activist, has accused Michigan State football coach Mel Tucker of sexual harassment. 

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Tracy's complaint alleges that Tucker made sexual comments and masturbated without consent during a phone call. 

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The complaint triggered an ongoing Title IX investigation at Michigan State University. 

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Tracy and Tucker had initially partnered to address sexual violence in sports. 

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Tucker, one of the highest-paid coaches in sports, faces potential consequences including losing an $80 million contract if found guilty. 

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Tracy has expressed concern that Tucker may damage her career and reputation by portraying her negatively. 

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Tucker has admitted to masturbating during the phone call but claims it was consensual "phone sex." 

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Michigan State hired an external Title IX attorney to investigate the complaint, and a formal hearing is scheduled for October 5 and 6. 

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This case takes place in the context of Michigan State's prior failures to address sexual abuse, notably in the Larry Nassar case.

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The university's handling of the situation has broader implications for its commitment to addressing issues of sexual misconduct in sports and education.

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